Evample so i got 3 rocket league editors to make a montage shocking
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Загружено автоматически через бота оригинал evample оригинальное описание
my twitch
30 montage akawaave
editor club39537297waavee
fiverr diamond eyes stars ncs release
100 montage hoxenrl
editor id238805869hoxen vfx
fiverr electrolight the ways feat. aloma steele ncs release
300 montage michos
song mazare amp calva louise throne monstercat release
000 intro
014 clips
134 30 montage
400 100 montage
558 300 montage
817 outro
edit amp thumbnail by
follow my clan pulse
youtube twitter twitch discord website
camera settings
field of view 107
distance 280
height 100
angle 3
stiffness 0.3
swivel speed 4
transition speed 1